Filler can enhance the lips by improving their shape, increasing their size and volume, fixing mild asymmetries, and improving lip texture.

 Lips can be naturally thin or can change with time. By the age of 50, lips have lost around half of their volume, which affects their texture and can give a crinkled appearance. Filler adds volume and hydration, giving a plumper and more youthful appearance.

It is one of the most popular areas of the face to treat. It is often the cause of considerable controversy as it is, in our opinion, often poorly performed and over-advertised on social media. Too many practitioners take a one-size-fits-all approach, which does not respect every patient’s unique anatomy and appearance.

 We specialise in a natural-yet-noticeable approach, taking in to account your individual anatomy and proportions to give you a unique result that doesn’t look fake or overdone. We combine our clinical expertise with your wishes to enhance your lips in a way that compliments and enhances your appearance.

We strongly believe the best kind of lip filler is one that goes is natural, with a lip that isn’t obviously enhanced.

The main areas we can help are to:

·                 Define your existing shape and improve volume.

·                 Reshape and Enhance your Cupids Bow

·                 Improve the proportions of the top and bottom lips in relation to each other

·                 Balance mild asymmetries


 Who can have lip filler?

Lip fillers are suitable for the vast majority of people. Patients with known allergies to hyaluronic acid will not be suitable; and patients who are allergic to wasp and bee stings also may not be. In these cases, we perform a patch test before proceeding to ensure your safety.

We can enhance your lips if they have previously been treated, although the existing filler may have to be dissolved first.

If you have a history of cold sores please inform us, especially if you have had an occurrence in the last year, as any needling can trigger reactivation.


How is it done?

We perform a thorough initial assessment of your whole face and lips to assess your suitability and what results we can expect.

We then numb, & disinfect the area prior to injection.

We mainly use a needle technique, as, in our experience, this gives the best result, with the lowest chance of filler migration. In certain cases a cannula is more suitable – this procedure uses blunt-tipped devices which cause much less swelling and bruising, but offer much less precision.

How long does it take?

The appointment is 45 minutes long, but the procedure itself takes around 10-15 minutes. We take our time to perform treatment safely and to the highest standards.

We never inject more than 1 ml per session. The lips can only stretch so much, and this must be respected. Higher volumes greatly increase the chances of unnatural results and filler migration.

Some patients may need more than 1 session, and we will advise you of this at your consultation. Those looking for a significant change have much better results when built up slowly, over several sessions. Whilst we can improve mild asymmetries, we can never guarantee perfect symmetry.


Recovery time

Recovery time is around 3 weeks. The final appearance of the lips will be around 20% smaller than results at the end of treatment. Swelling and bruising are normal and are to be expected. The swelling will increase over the first 48-72 hours, and then gradually decrease, fully resolving after 3 weeks, sometimes sooner. Bruising is normal and resolves within 1 week. Full healing will take up to 3 weeks, it is important to bear in mind your final result can’t be judged until then.

We advise you not to wear makeup for 8 hours after your procedure. It may be advisable to plan your treatment at least a week before any upcoming social engagements to allow bruising to resolve. We would recommend treatment 2-3 months before a specific event such as a wedding, to allow enough time for swelling to resolve, and for a top-up, if required.


How long will it last?

The average duration of lip filler is 9 months, although this can vary from 6 to 12 months depending on your metabolism. Those opting for a boost in hydration only, may have a duration closer to 6 months. With each repeat treatment the time span between top-ups increases, therefore after several sessions, a repeat visit may not be required for 1.5-2 years.

Risks and side effects

Like all treatments, there are risks and side effects.

Swelling and bruising are expected.

Whilst we can improve asymmetry, achieving symmetry is difficult and often gives an unnatural result.

Post procedure bumps and irregularities are normal, are mostly swelling, and will resolve.

There is an extremely small risk of blocking blood vessels in the lips, known as vascular occlusion. It can occur during the procedure and up to 48 hours afterwards. As medical practitioners we have, and are experienced in the use of, the equipment and medications required to dissolve the filler and treat this rare complication.

Following the aftercare advice is vital to minimise complications and chance of migration, and maximise duration of results. We review every treatment to assess your response and modify our techniques accordingly, taking the time to get to know your face and how it responds.


Does it hurt?

The lips are a very sensitive area. We apply numbing cream which helps reduce the discomfort considerably. We recommend you take 1g of paracetamol 1 hour before your appointment to help further. We also have a distraction device that utilises the gate theory of pain to further ensure your comfort. We do not perform dental blocks as they can mask the early signs of a vascular occlusion.








