Wrinkles are lines, creases or folds in the skin. There are two types of face skin wrinkles – dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles:

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by repeated use of the facial muscles during expression. Examples include forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, and smile lines. These wrinkles are seen with movement, but not at rest. With time dynamic wrinkles become static. Static lines can be seen when the face is at rest and not moving.

Wrinkle relaxing injections, commonly known as botox, are an excellent non invasive way to smooth out fine lines and deeper expression lines, leaving your skin looking younger and rejuvenated. If continued they helped to slow the natural ageing process.

They involve targeted injections of botulinum toxin, a purified form of naturally occurring substance made by the bacteria clostridium botulinum. It acts by preventing the release of a nerve transmitter that causes muscle contraction. Botulinum injections have been used in aesthetics for around 20 years. In that time they have been demonstrated to be extremely safe and effective.

There are three main benefits to botulinum injections:

 1.    Preventing dynamic wrinkles FROM worsening and becoming static wrinkles

2.    Softening the appearance of static wrinkles, and preventing them getting any worse

3.   Smoothing the skin and giving it a refreshed appearance


Botulinum injections can be used over the whole face, with treatment most commonly on the forehead and around the eyes. It generally lasts three to four months.

After a thorough consultation, the treatment itself takes roughly 30 minutes, involving small injections to the face with a very fine needle which is virtually pain free.

All risks and complications will be discussed with you at your consultation prior to any treatment being agreed.


Side effects include, but are not limited to:

o   Bruising

o   Swelling at injection sites

o   Redness at injection sites

o   Asymmetry of expression

o   Drooping of the brow, or eyelid

o   Headache or a sensation of ‘tightness’ or ‘heaviness’

Adverse events are uncommon and usually occur within a few days of treatment. They are typically temporary and resolve within weeks. We will provide you with an aftercare plan designed to minimise risk and promote speedy recovery from any expected side effects.

Antiwrinkle aftercare plan:

1. Avoid high intensity exercise for 24 hrs following treatment

2. Avoid touching/rubbing injected areas


4. Avoid heavy alcohol consumption on the same day; this can worsen bruising

5. Avoid anti-inflammatory tablets such as ibuprofen for 3 days, this can lead to bruising

6. Paracetamol (1 gram four times per day) is safe to use

7. Remain upright for 3hrs afterwards to prevent incorrect spread

8. Exercising the injected muscles for the 1st 24 hrs only can improve uptake and effectiveness

9. After this avoid using the muscles as much as possible, this will decrease duration of action

10. In the unlikely event you experience any bruising icing the area and/or applying arnica cream can help it improve faster. You can also try arnica tablets.

Click below for more information on the treatments we offer: